Fallfest and Trunk or Treat at the Boulevard
We are excited to announce that we will be having another Fallfest and Trunk or Treat at the Boulevard this year! And what is even better we are co-hosts with the Boulevard Cruisers, so there will be classic cars with decked out trunks full of candy for all the little ghouls along with a DJ on site playing some tunes to trick or treat by. It should be family fun for all ages!
There is more! We are bringing back the kid’s costume contest for the Fallfest. We will have two age groups under 8 and 9-14 and three prize categories for each age group, Best Overall, Most Original and Scariest, so start putting together those costume ideas now.
Prizes will be awarded in each age group (0-8 and 9-14) for:
Best Overall – costumes that are Halloween favorites from favorite characters or icons
Most Original – best original idea that is not a trademark character
Scariest – spookiest ideas and creations
Prizes are a $25 visa Gift Card for each category with in each age group.
There is NO FEE to participate in the costume contest. A parent or responsible adult must give consent for their child to participate at the event. A form will be available on-site and available at the Contest table.
Contest Line up begins at 7:00 pm for the Kids contest. We will start with Children ages 0-8 years of age and then judge the 9-14 years after we have finished judging the younger children.
Please note that all children who are participating must be present and in the line up for the judging when called. We are not responsible if you miss your age group.
Contest judging will begin at 7:00 p.m. We will announce the winner at 7:30 p.m and 8:00pm.Time may vary due to the number of entrants.
And there is even more, we will have kids crafts and 150 FREE Pumpkins (while supplies last) and a Hay Maze. Seriously folks this is gonna be a fun evening for everyone.
This event may be cancelled due to weather and may not be rescheduled. Cancellation will be at the Property Management’s and/or the Boulevard Crusier’s discretion. Notice of cancellation will be communicated by way of social media.