Rules of Etiquette
In order to promote a safe, secure, and pleasant shopping environment, we ask for your cooperation in complying with these Rules of Etiquette to be followed by all patrons. These activities are PROHIBITED at BOULEVARD at Box Hill:
- The soliciting and/or literature distribution.
- Loitering on property
- The use of loud or obscene language/gestures.
- Standing/Walking in large groups causing inconvenience to others.
- Disorderly or disruptive conduct of any nature.
- The possession of alcoholic or illegal substances.
- Any act which could result in harm to persons or property.
- Inappropriate or offensive attire.
- Any use of the common area of the Center without prior approval by Property Management.
- Bike Riding. Bicycles must be walked while on property.
- Use of skateboards and roller skates.
- Smoking in any building.
- Overnight parking.
- Any act defined by Federal, State or Local Statutes or Ordinances as constituting a criminal act.
- Violation of the Center’s Pet Rules of Etiquette.
Pet Policy
Pets may accompany our customers in the common areas of the BOULEVARD at Box Hill. Please remember, not all stores permit access to non-service pets and those that do may have rules in addition to the following:
- Pets are to remain leashed at a maximum length of 4 feet or contained inside a carrier or pet stroller.
- Pets must be under the direct physical control of an adult 18 years of age or older while on property.
- At no time is an owner permitted to leave his or her pet unattended or tethered to objects (i.e. trees or poles).
- Pets visiting the property must be in compliance with all applicable laws, including those pertaining to dog licensing and vaccinations.
- Pets exhibiting aggressive, disruptive or intimidating behavior must be removed immediately.
- Owners/guardians are liable for damage or injury inflicted by their pets.
- Pets are to remain out of all tree wells and flower beds, as this would be damaging to the Center’s landscaping.
- Owners are required to have the appropriate waste clean up materials and pick up after their pets.